Company Gardens: Green Spaces for Retreat & Inspiration

Chris van Uffelen
книга Company Gardens: Green Spaces for Retreat & Inspiration, автор: Chris van Uffelen

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Company Gardens: Green Spaces for Retreat & Inspiration

Chris van Uffelen
Цена: 1980 грн
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ID: 12348
Издательство: Braun
Переплёт: Hardcover, 24.5 x 28.5 cm
Количество страниц: 192; illustrations: 350
Год издания: 2018
Язык: English
ISBN-13: 9783037682418

The design of open spaces around or within the premises of companies is an increasingly important focus area of landscape architecture. Their conceptual design depends on whether the company garden is open to the public or rather dedicated to employees only.

On the one hand, these projects are representative of the respective firm and constitute part of the corporate identity. On the other hand, in times of the increased awareness of work-life balance, flexible working and communication structures, as well as global networking, they are an integral part of innovative workplace concepts. This volume reveals the remarkable diversity of design possibilities for company gardens from around the world.


- Bestseller Office Complex in Aarhus, Denmark (C.F. Møller Architects)
- Mercedes Benz in Berlin, Germany (ST raum a.)
- Otemachi Tower in Tokyo, Japan (MDP Michel Desvigne Paysagiste)
- Quito Publishing House in Ecuador (Estudio A0)
- Novartis Physic Garden in Basel, Switzerland (Sweco Architects)